Beers, Brews, and Bikes @ Chicago Cafes

Beers, Brews, and Bikes @ Chicago Cafes

On October 18th, gear up for winter riding and grab a beer or cold brew. Every beer or cold brew purchase at Colectivo's Lincoln Park, Logan Square, and Andersonville cafes on Thursday from 5 - 7 pm, results in cycling related perks! Mechanics from local neighborhood cycling shops will be on site to help you prepare for winter riding. Hope to see you there!

Colectivo's Lincoln Park cafeOn the Route Bicycles is providing coupons for a FREE full bike tune-up at either of their shop locations ($100+ value).RSVP ON FACEBOOK

Colectivo's Logan Square cafeThe Bike Lane will be onsite offering mobile safety checks ($30+ value).RSVP ON FACEBOOK

Colectivo's Andersonville cafePurchase a cold brew coffee, and Johnny Sprockets will complete bike assessments and perform light complimentary service.RSVP ON FACEBOOK