Our weekly special for the week of September 1st is part of our seasonal coffee series, Sumatra Yudi Putra.Grown near the volcanic Lake Toba, Sumatra Mandheling Yudi Putra exhibits all of the complex, earthy flavors and smooth, full body that you expect from Sumatran coffee in a way that is elegant and drinkable, not wild and challenging. Yudi Putra is a small family known for exporting high quality coffee and other native cultural products. Yudi Putra pays extra and provides health coverage to producers, which is not commonly offered by other exporters in the region. This coffee is grown in the Sipangan Bolon region in the northern part of Sumatra at elevations between 1,100 and 1,250 meters above sea level.Our coffee of the week is available for purchase in our web store and our cafes for the 1st week of September, and will available as a seasonal coffee online through the month of November (while supplies last).