Tour de Colectivo - 15 Cafes, 122 miles, 26 HoursFueled by Colectivo Coffee and Bicycle Benefits Celebrate the start of summer by visiting Colectivo's Wisconsin cafes by bike...from Grafton to Madison (or vice versa), and everywhere in between!This self-guided adventure starts with packet pick-up from 5-6 pm on June 15 at your choice of Colectivo's Monroe St. cafe in Madison or Colectivo Grafton. Have your questions answered, get your Tour de Colectivo T-shirt, stainless leakproof bullet bottle, and punch card, and get rolling.Start riding right away & pedal through the night -OR- rest up and push your pedals to 122 miles on Sunday. Stop by 15 Wisconsin Colectivo locations along the way to fuel up on beverages to keep you going.Follow the "Ride with GPS" route or create your own. End your ride at Colectivo Grafton or Monroe St. no later than 7pm on June 16 to receive a pound of coffee, CCR patch (while supplies last), and a high five for a job well done!CLICK TO REGISTER